Security, low prices, falling emissions: can it be done?
Jeremy Wilcox is a Director of Infascan, a Brighton-based energy consulting group specialising in analysis of strategic and…
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05 Jun 02
Jeremy Wilcox is a Director of Infascan, a Brighton-based energy consulting group specialising in analysis of strategic and…
23 May 02
Total CO2 emissions in 2000 from the 15 member states were 0.5 per cent lower than those of…
06 May 02
The European Union has officially stabilised its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The total CO2 emissions in 2000 from the 15
27 Nov 01
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol has been launched by the US government, businesses and environmental groups. It is claimed…
20 Aug 01
Last month’s Bonn summit on climate change dominated news headlines. The summit was presented as a last chance to save
21 Aug 00
Field testing of mercury emissions control equipment for coal-fired plants is to be carried out under a Department of Energy
19 May 00
The European Commission (EC) has approved the Danish scheme for tradable carbon dioxide emission permits, the first of its kind
21 Jan 00
Outbreaks make more international effort necessaryI try to avoid sobering thoughts, especially during leisure time, but they are hard to
20 Sep 98
As plans to combat global warming develop, a group of banks and trading companies wish to establish a market for