During installation of the turbine plant foundation, a modern vibration insulation system, of which spring units constitute an important part

ROSATOM completed the concreting of the turbine unit foundation at power unit 2 of Akkuyu NPP. (Credit: Communication Service of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC)
Concrete pouring of the turbine plant foundation has been completed in the turbine hall building of Akkuyu NPP Power Unit No. 2. The milestone of the Unit No. 2 will enable builders of the first nuclear power plant in Türkiye to start installing elements of the turbine set, which is engaged in converting mechanical energy into electrical one.
During installation of the turbine plant foundation, a modern vibration insulation system, of which spring units constitute an important part. They are designed to split foundation slabs of the turbine hall building and the turbine plant, raise the seismic resistance level, and minimize vibrations during operation of the turbine plant.
Anastasia Zoteeva, Chief Executive Officer of Akkuyu Nuclear JSC: “The foundation beneath the turbine plant is a complex civil structure, which is capable of bearing and evenly distributing the loads that occur during the turbine operation. I would like to thank Akkuyu NPP builders for their smooth work during installation of the foundation slab. As all process solutions used during construction of the first nuclear power plant in Türkiye, the concrete pouring process of the turbine plant foundation of the Power Unit No. 2 is performed in accordance with the IAEA safety standards, legislative provisions of the Republic of Türkiye and current requirements of the global nuclear community”.
It takes 30 days for the foundation concrete to reach its design strength. A Special Committee will then check the concrete pouring quality in the presence of representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK) and an independent inspection organization. Upon completion of all verifying inspections, installation of the foundation slab of the turbine plant of the Unit No. 2 will be deemed completed.
Source: Company Press Release