As the proposed works were to take place near a Ministry of Defence (MoD) training centre the team consulted with the MoD to assess impacts on military activities

New Exmouth sea outfall pipe to improve environmental standards. (Credit: PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay)
The Marine Licensing team received a marine licence application from Southwest Water Ltd to install a new marine outfall pipe in Exmouth. The proposed works included horizontal directional drilling to create an entry point.
As the proposed works were to take place near a Ministry of Defence (MoD) training centre the team consulted with the MoD to assess impacts on military activities.
The team assessed environmental impacts through a Habitat Regulations Assessment and undertook Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping to scope any potential effects on other sea users. The team also consulted with primary consultees to gather insight on how the works could impact navigational or socio-economic activities.
The approval of the marine licence means the company can modernise their sewerage system to allow them to comply with shellfish water standards. The new marine outfall pipe will also reduce sewer spills in the Exe estuary and surrounding areas.
Source: Company Press Release