The Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project will be located at Bina Refinery in Madhya Pradesh, India and operated by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL).
Known as a Jewel in the Crown of Madhya Pradesh, Bina Refinery was setup as a joint venture between BPCL and Oman Oil Company (OOCL). In June 2021, Bharat Oman Refineries (BORL) became a wholly owned subsidiary of BPCL and the joint venture became a wholly owned subsidiary of BPCL. The merger of BORL with BPCL is currently in progress.
In June 2022, an executive summary of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project was published.
Currently, Bina Refinery has a crude processing capacity of 7.8 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) and is being reconfigured for producing auto biofuels.
Project Gallery
The refinery is being diversified by the setting up of world-class ethylene cracker units and associated petrochemical units in the refinery.
It will be developed at a cost of about $5.88bn and would increase the refinery capacity from 7.8MMTPA to 12MMTPA. The project will produce about 1200 kilo tonnes per annum (KTPA) of ethylene and propylene. Ethylene and propylene are used in textiles, pharma, packaging and other sectors.
The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, laid the foundation stone of the project in September 2023 and its construction is expected to be completed within 48 months from the zero date of the commencement of the construction.
Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project Location
The Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project will be located in Bina Refinery. The Bina Refinery is located in the Sagar District in the Bundelkhand Region of Madhya Pradesh in India.
Bina Refinery Configuration Details
Currently, the Bina Refinery consists of a Crude and Distillation Unit (CDU/VDU), an Isomerisation Unit (ISOM), a Full Conversion Hydro Cracker Unit (FCHCU), a Diesel Hydro Treating Unit (DHDT), and a Delayed Coker Unit (DCU).
The other facilities of the refinery include a MS Block comprising Naphtha Hydro Treating Unit (NHT), a Continuous Catalytic Reformer (CCR), and other associated facilities like a Hydrogen Generation Unit (HGU), a Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU), a Sour Water Stripper (SWS) etc.
Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project Details
For the proposed Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project, six units have been proposed or envisaged.
The six proposed units include an ethylene cracker unit, a new Crude and Distillation Unit, a polypropylene unit, a BUTENE-1 unit, a Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Unit (LLDPE) or a High-Density Polyethylene Unit (HDPE) swing unit, and a high-density polyethylene unit.
For the project, an additional power of 250MW will be required and the sourcing of all the requirements will be conducted by the existing CPP (in-house) & State Grid.
The current raw water requirement of the existing Bina Refinery is 1,300m3/Hr and after expansion, the raw water requirement will get to 4,235m3/Hr.
The Boiler Feed Water (BFW) requirement for the project will be 170 tonnage per hour (TPH). For reuse and recovery, the boiler blowdown will be transferred to the Reverse Osmosis-Demineralisation (RO-DM) Plant.
The sour water will be provided with enough storage at the generation points so that the sour effluent can be transferred to the storage tanks instead of the wastewater treatment plant during the startup and shutdown.
Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project Contractor
Engineers India , a Government of India undertaking, was entrusted with the responsibility of preparing an executive summary of the EIA of the Bina Petrochemical and Refinery Expansion Project. The company prepared and published the report in June 2022.
Benefits of the Project
The project will provide presence to BPCL in the petrochemical sector of northeast region of India through production or sourcing, marketing of quality products, and their efficient distribution to the customers.
The project will enhance the livelihood of the people living in the vicinity of the Bina refinery.