Bozhong 19-6 field is a producing gas and condensate field located in Bohai Sea, offshore China.
The project is fully owned and operated by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).
According to CNOOC, the Bozhong 19-6 field is the first large-scale and mono-block gas and condensate field.
Bozhong 19-6 condensate gas field pilot area development project commenced production in October 2020. The first phase of the field began production in November 2023.
Project Gallery
The Bozhong 19-6 field is located in Bohai Bay, China. (Credit: CNOOC Limited)
According to CNOOC, the Bozhong 19-6 field is considered the first large-scale and monoblock gas and condensate field with high output. (Credit: 466654/Pixabay)
The project has a proven in-place volume of 180 million cubic metres of oil reserve and 171.2 billion cubic metres of natural gas. (Credit: C Morrison/Pixabay)
The supplies will reduce gas shortages in North China and promote sustainable development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
Bozhong 19-6 field Location
The Bozhong 19-6 field is located in central Bohai Sea in an average water depth of around 20m, off the eastern coast of China.
Bohai is one of the most important crude oil-producing areas for the CNOOC.
Bozhong 19-6 Discovery and Appraisal
The Bozhong 19-6 field was discovered in 2017. CNOOC identified Bozhong 19-6 as a mid-sized natural gas field discovery.
The discovery well Bozhong 19-6-1 was drilled at a depth of 4,181m. It encountered oil pay zones with a total thickness of around 25m and a 348m thick gas reservoir.
The evaluation well produced about 1,000 barrels of oil and 6.4 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.
Bozhong 19-6 Reserves
The offshore field has a proven in-place volume of 180 million cubic meters (mcm) of oil reserves and 171.2 billion cubic metres of natural gas (bcm).
In 2024, the project is expected to achieve a production rate of approximately 37,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d).
Additional appraisals at Bozhong 19-6 in 2019 added a proved in-place volume of nearly 200 million cubic metres of oil equivalent increasing the total proved in-place volume to 300 million cubic metres of oil equivalent.
Bozhong 19-6 Field Development
The short-term pilot project, which began operations in 2020, was completed within 14 months under the exploration, development, and production integrated management mode.
The development included the construction of a pile jacket and an offshore platform, two undersea pipelines, a treatment plant, as well as revamping two offshore platforms and installation of a submarine cable.
The primary production facilities of the Bozhong 19-6 field include a new central processing platform, three unmanned wellhead platforms and a gas process terminal.
Overall, 65 development wells are planned to be commissioned for the project including 42 production wells, 20 gas injection wells and three water source wells.
According to CNOOC, Bozhong 19-6 is the first condensate gas field with a proven volume of over 200 billion cubic metres of natural gas to be put into operation in Bohai Bay.
CNOOC operations in Bohai Area
Bohai is one of the most important crude oil producing areas for CNOOC. The company primarily produces heavy crude oil from the region.
In 2019, CNOOC made eight discoveries in Bohai- Luda 19-2, Luda 25-1, Luda 27-1, Kenli 6-1, Kenli 10-1 North, Caofeidian 2-2, Suizhong 36-1 North and Jinzhou 31-2 South.
As of 2022, the reserves and production in Bohai touched 1,721.1 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) and 557,734 BOE/ day, respectively.
This represents approximately 27.6% of the CNOOC’s total reserves and around 32.6% of its production.
The company is also working on new technological innovations in order to ensure stable production from Bohai oilfields for another ten years.
In 2018, the “Key Technologies for Mid-depth Seismic Exploration in Offshore China” project developed an offshore wide-azimuth seismic acquisition design technology and improved sub-azimuth acquisition and OVT (Offset Vector Tile) domain design and evaluation method.
Using this technology, CNOOC completed a wide-azimuth seismic acquisition design for submarine cables on buried hills in the Bozhong 19-6 Oilfield.