The Roscongress Foundation has been supporting this project for five years

United Petrochemical, Xuan Yuan Industrial Development to finance construction of Soyuz cross-border transshipment complex. (Credit: Roscongress Foundation)
United Petrochemical Company and Xuan Yuan Industrial Development have entered into an agreement to co-finance the construction of the Soyuz cross-border transshipment complex in the Amuro-Khinganskaya Advanced Special Economic Zone in the Jewish Autonomous Region. The Roscongress Foundation has been supporting this project for five years.
“As part of the 8th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, an agreement was signed to jointly finance the construction of the Soyuz cross-border transshipment complex to the tune of CNY 5 billion, which will be raised through loans from Russian-Chinese financial institutions,” said Alexander Zakharov, General Director of the United Petrochemical Company.
The unique cross-border dry cargo transshipment complex will be constructed on a land plot near the new railway bridge crossing between Nizhneleninskoye and Tongjiang. In practice the project will be implemented by the United Petrochemical Company. The plan includes the construction of five industrial infrastructure facilities:
– an oil terminal (oil storage facility) for receiving, storing, blending, and loading crude oil, oil and gas condensate mixtures of varying quality, with a capacity of up to 5.8 million tonnes per year
– an oil depot with vertical and horizontal tanks for receiving, storing, and dispensing various oil products and straight-run fuel oil, with a capacity of up to 1.0 million tonnes per year
– a gas-filling complex for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases of different grades and pentane-hexane fractions, with a capacity of up to 0.65 million tonnes per year
– a container yard for the storage and transshipment of hazardous cargo in tank containers, with a capacity of 100,000 TEU per year
– warehouses and hangars (both warm and cold) with an area of 200,000 m2 for handling large-size and large-tonnage cargo.
The construction of the complex in Russia will establish a balance in the volume of transshipment of export–import cargo between Russia and China at the Nizhneleninskoye–Tongjiang border crossing. It will also ensure the uninterrupted and reliable supply of a wide range of cargo to final consignees in China under long-term contracts. Additionally, the project is expected to boost tax revenues at all budget levels and create new highly qualified jobs in the Jewish Autonomous Region.
In 2023, United Petrochemical Company and major energy corporation Xuan Yuan Industrial Development (Harbin, China) signed a strategic partnership agreement to provide modern industrial and energy equipment for the transshipment complex and started setting up a joint venture in China to attract financing. In January 2023, design and survey work was started by leading Russian design organizations Dalgiprotrans (Khabarovsk) and Lennyikhimmash-Engineering (St. Petersburg).
The 8th Eastern Economic Forum was held on 10–13 September in Vladivostok. The EEF is organized by the Roscongress Foundation.
Source: Company Press Release