Wood will design the uranium process plant, key infrastructure and communication systems, intending to design ways to accelerate production and optimize mineral processing

Wood will design the uranium process plant in Canada. (Credit: WikiImages from Pixabay)
Wood has been awarded a detailed design engineering contract by Denison Mines Corp for the flagship Phoenix In-Situ Recovery (ISR) mining project planned in northern Canada, helping meet global demand for uranium.
The Phoenix deposit, part of the Wheeler River Project, owned jointly by Denison and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Ltd, is the largest undeveloped uranium mining project located in the eastern portion of the Athabasca Basin region in Northern Saskatchewan.
Wood will design the uranium process plant, key infrastructure and communication systems, intending to design ways to accelerate production and optimize mineral processing. This award follows a feasibility study successfully conducted by Wood to evaluate the technical and economic viability of the ISR uranium mining operation for Phoenix.
Jim Shaughnessy, President of Minerals & Metals at Wood said: “We’re delighted to continue supporting Denison with the next phase of the Phoenix project. Wood’s involvement with the Phoenix feasibility study along with our industry-leading expertise in sustainable in-situ recovery techniques and decades of experience in uranium processing positions us as a valued partner in delivering detailed engineering design for Denison.”
Kevin Himbeault, Denison’s Vice President of Operations, commented: “In recognition of Wood’s performance leading the Phoenix feasibility study, we are pleased to announce the award of a detailed design engineering contract to Wood.
“Maintaining continuity through completion of the Phoenix feasibility study, front-end engineering design, and detailed design allows us to build on our combined knowledge and working relationship to deliver an engineering package that will ultimately support the construction and operation of the first ISR uranium mining operation in the Athabasca Basin.”
Detailed design will be delivered by Wood’s mineral processing design experts and is set to commence in 2024.
Source: Company Press Release