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Pursuant to the decree by the government of the Russian Federation dated February 2017, No. 211-r, TENEX (the "Company"), the industry’s integrator of international sales of back-end reference materials, works and services, has been appointed the organization authorized to conclude foreign trade deals related to importation into Russia of irradiated fuel assemblies from nuclear power reactors (used nuclear fuel or UNF).
TENEX appointment is preconditioned by the Company’s unique competences, given its almost half century experience of work on the uranium market and long-standing solid partnerships with foreign customers of nuclear fuel cycle products and services.
The Company has in place the necessary license from the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Surveillance Service (Rostekhnadzor) for carrying out such activities valid through December 21, 2021.
All foreign trade deals involving importation into Russia of UNF are to be concluded subject to a positive opinion by the state ecological expertise in compliance with the applicable legislation.