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100 years

NS Energy Business
The industry’s largest resource for energy content, up-to-the-minute news, projects, developments and research, NS Energy Business is the first platform to offer a ‘one stop’ information resource tailored to the needs and behaviour of the individual energy professional.
With users in more than 100 countries, supported by weekly e-newsletters and extensive social media coverage, NS Energy Business examines the drivers that are transforming the whole of the energy sector, from generation to transmission and distribution, upstream oil and gas and beyond. No other resource can offer such extensive insight in a single place.

Modern Power Systems
The international monthly magazine Modern Power Systems provides in-depth independent coverage of power plant and transmission and distribution technology. Widely read throughout the world of electricity generation, it specialises in presenting key engineering and commercial developments in an authoritative but accessible style. From advanced power plant and transmission design to repair and maintenance case studies, Modern Power Systems is unrivalled as a platform for exploring cutting edge developments in the power industry. It is sent to over 28,000 carefully targeted management and senior executives responsible for the planning, specification, purchasing or operation of power generation, distribution and transmission systems or ancillary equipment in over 120 countries worldwide. The readership of Modern Power Systems is concentrated in major energy planning and producing organisations, power supply utilities, government power planning departments and consulting / architects engineering concerns as well as industrial producers of electrical energy and users of private generating plants. Modern Power Systems's circulation is independently audited & verified by The ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulations).
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Nuclear Engineering International
Published continuously since 1956 with more than 60 years of being an independent nuclear technical journal, Nuclear Engineering International covers all aspects of civil nuclear power generation and its related supply chains globally. Topics covered range from front-end fuel cycle to power plant operations to decontamination & decommissioning. In addition to technical subjects, we also cover market developments, economics, government policy and management issues. Nuclear Engineering International also provides information on future industry events and is a media partner for key conferences and exhibitions, allowing the opportunity for brand partnerships.
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International Water Power & Dam Construction
Launched in 1949, International Water Power & Dam Construction has established itself as the leading monthly international publication serving the needs of those involved in dam construction and the hydroelectricity industries. Independently published it offers a highly respected, unrivalled, in-depth, quality editorial to its readers. A top quality, unbiased, information service, with a circulation of over 4000, International Water Power & Dam Construction offers its readers and advertisers an unrivalled penetration into the marketplace. International Water Power & Dam Construction is an established and integral part of the industry with reliable, independent and up -to-date editorial. Supported by an independent circulation audit fro m ABC, International Water Power & Dam Construction is an absolute must for anyone involved in the hydro power and dams industry. Topics regularly covered in the magazine include: Construction; Flood Management; Uprating and refurbishment; Small Hydro; Operation and Maintenance; Licensing; Project Finance, Tunnelling and Dam Safety.
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World Expro
Created to meet the specific needs of senior board members, operations, procurement and E&P heads within the upstream industry, World Expro provides a clear overview of the latest industry thinking regarding the key stages of exploration and production. The publication boasts incisive commentary and analysis from the world's most powerful business leaders alongside investigative and provocative articles from leading journalists. World Expro allows you to reach the most influential decision-makers. Your message will feature in a section that focuses specifically on your service area, identifying you clearly as a leading solution provider.
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World Wind Technology
Wind is one of the fastest-growing power sources in the world, as energy systems shift towards clean, renewable forms of generation. More than 60 GW of new capacity was installed globally in 2019 – a 20% annual increase – and although the pandemic has slowed the pace of this trajectory, wind has remained resilient during the crisis and record growth is expected over the next five years. As more and more countries around the world target emissions reduction – including key growth markets of China, Europe and the US under a new administration – the sector is poised for a bright future. Now is the time for suppliers establish themselves in this dynamic market as a wave of new projects and upgrades is announced and governments accelerate their clean-energy ambitions over the coming decade. World Wind Technology will provide key executives, who have the power to make purchasing decisions, with unique analysis and data combined with contributions from leading industry analysts, practitioners and thought leaders. Our unique and powerful database of readers includes qualified senior management and executive decision makers, who have the authority to buy the products and services they need in order to capitalise on the opportunities in the market.
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World Mining Frontiers
Investment within the mining industry has increased at a robust and steady pace. Analysts forecast that this investment boom will continue to stimulate unprecedented demand for machinery, equipment and services to reach more than $100 billion over the next five years. Insatiable demand for power generation, metal and mineral mining is driving the need for mechanisation, new technology and equipment to improve productivity. World Mining Frontiers is designed and edited specifically for primary decision makers engaged in the process of exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources and throughout the supply chain. Published in print and digital formats, this multiplatform publication provides a unique blend of in-depth commentary and analysis of the key issues shaping the market, while offering a valuable and effective way of reaching and influencing a high-spending community of industry leaders and practitioners.
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